LEAGUE PLAY League Operations may be contacted, especially on League Nights, for Match Rulings, Rules Interpretation, Protests or issues of Sportsmanship. Their Contact Phone Numbers are listed every week on the last page of the Weekly Newsletter. Any Ruling League Operations provides will be considered final. In a game where a judgement call is required, Players are encouraged to ask someone acceptable to both Players to act as a designated Referee whose Ruling will be considered final.
TOURNAMENT PLAY The Referee will be in charge of all Match issues and their Rulings considered final. In the absence of a designated Referee, the Tournament Director will be the Referee. See 'Play - Tournament Policies'.
Games will be played in accordance with the WPBA/BCA World Standardized Rules. They are available on the Home Page of the League website.
League Operations has the authority to clarify and/or interpret Rules to the benefit of the League such as:
(1) Designating the 8 Ball A verbal/physical confirmation is needed for legally sinking an eight ball in any match.
(2) 'No Coaching' Rule This Rule has been expanded such that interpretation or explanation of a Rule during a Game is not permitted. Once the Game starts, you are meant to be entirely on your own and are not to seek or accept assistance from anyone. All Teams are asked though, in the interests of good sportsmanship, to cut the new Players and Teams some slack, especially in the first few weeks of League Play.
Match Start Times
The Match Start Times are set and are deignated by League Operations.
The normal grace period to start a Match is 15 minutes. If your Team is going to be late, please extend the other Team the courtesy of giving them a call at the Match Location and letting them know. If 3 Players or more from each Team are present, the Match must start.
Each Player has 5 minutes to start an individual Game from the time their Game is called, after which it becomes a forfeited Game. A first round Game only may be delayed until the final Match Up in that Round, but may not be delayed any further.
'Make Up' Matches
If agreed to, then the 'Make Up' Match must be played before their next scheduled Match date. If the Match is not played within this time, then both Teams get no Match Points. Teams have the right of appeal to League Operations should there be extenuating circumstances.
Match 'Forfeits'
A Team claiming a Match 'forfeit' has the following options: (1) Take all the Match Round Points. (2) Take one-half of the Match Round Points. (3) Take none of the Match Round Points. Whatever Match Round Points they don't take will be automatically given to the other Team.
The purpose of this is so that Teams will not be unfairly pushed up or down to a higher or lower handicap and skill level.
Changes can be made by League Executive for the fairness of the league.